Sunday, August 05, 2007

Fogo Island Regatta

One of the many projects I'm working on this summer. This is a unique community endeavor. For the first time in several generations, the Newfoundland islands of Fogo and Change Islands are having a regatta. The boats will be the traditional two man row boat punt. Until now, they figure it's about forty years since anyone has built one of these. With 18(many built this past year) punts ready for this 10km open ocean race, the people are excited. I hope all goes well for them. What this may lead to has somewhat reminded me of what the people of Greenland must have wondered when they reclaimed their traditional sea kayak in the 1980's...and look what that has meant to them as a people.

Clip on the link below and then follow the video thread to the three short film pieces I shot last week. I'll return this week to finish off this documentary, including the filming of the race on August 9th. I've seen the emotion and pride first hand, so I'm really looking forward to getting back to the island of Fogo...and being part of this great event they plan to stage.

The Great Fogo Island Punt Race. To There and Back.