Just Back From Labrador

Labrador was wonderful. The weather was cold for the most part...and some winds.. but still sunny and nice for this time of the year. The kids were all excited that the ponds had finally froze over last week, so they could partake in the first ice skating of the year. There are only about sixteen hundred residents alone this vast stretch of the southern Labrador coast. The only high and junior high school has a couple of hundred students total. I got to teach a class of photography to most of them, but I had a core group of junior high students from grade seven to nine. With these sixty core students, divided into three groups, we worked together for sometimes two hours per day. After two weeks they produced an art exhibit of sixty photographs, as well as a slide show presentation of over three hundred images. All the images were beautiful and very unique. Bravo to these students.

So...a hike was in order. This is a resettled community called Schooner cove...It is a few kilometers outside of L'Anse-au-Loop. Yes, at least a harp seal was awaiting me, sunning itself on the sandy beach. I'd agree with you if you thought these images where taken by Douglas over in Scotland...To my eyes, this part of Labrador does share a striking resemblance to pictures I've seen lately from Scotland. However, I believe that the light is different, as is the architecture.

I would really like to try and get back this way for some kayaking. A trip up Newfoundland's northern peninsula and then across The Striats....maybe this summer....
Can't believe there isn't people sea paddling in Labrador or a sea kayaking community... It would be a great place to spend a month jounreying out of a sea kayak.
I'm off to the Orkney Islands tomorrow with work and it is similar to some of your photos of Labrador. Have you any more on the web?
Hello Jamie, I agree about the similarity of the coast but the different light. Our exposed west coast gets the sunsets, your exposed east coast gets the dawns! The north of Labrador is also 7 degrees further south than the north of Scotland. Hearing about the approch of your winter ice makes me realise how lucky Cailean and I are to get winter sea kayaking courtesy of the Gulf stream!
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