New Year's Day Sea Kayaking

Not pleasant...but fun. From the shelter of Quidi Vidi gut, we launched at 1ish for a quick, refreshing paddle. Refreshing because of all the "merry, merry" I'd be up to the night before...I was still feeling the fireworks. But it's amazing what a jolt of cold wind and fresh air will do for the body. As for the beats lingering in bed moaning....and the best part?...the gang had lamb curry and fresh moose stew waiting at a home not far from the harbour. Not bad for the first day of 2007.

We now retreat from the gusty north Atlantic, back through the narrow natural breakwater.

Cockroaches can survive a nuclear winter, but not Newfoundland...and turns out, neither can kayaks. In all fairness...this Seaward has been abused by one of Newfoundland's top instructors, and now me...It's still holding up great...I need better glue.
Til next year...
Impressive photos, I'm definitely not worthy. But the nose clip and the goggles...that's a joke right?
Grazie's observant - and I was just looking at the ice forming on the deck.
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