Just a moment to write. Weather here of late has been rain drizzle and fog, as well as winds. A lot of North and Easterly winds. With all that sea ice along the north east coast, it makes for messy "spring" weather. So while it has taken a big bite out of the accumulated snow, the temperature still hovers around plus or minus zero Celsius. Two days ago, we did actually have a snow fall that left the ground white, and one scraping off the car windshield. Albeit, after this winter, no one was actually running around the parking lot trying to catch those flakes on the tips of their tongues....
I have still managed to get out in the kayak. Last week on a pond in town close to home. Then on a pond a few more minutes away at a higher elevation where the ice had only just melted off this past weekend. Only had to pull the kayak over one snow bank to get to the water. Okay, I couldn't resist, I had to roll. Ouch,.. ice-cream headache...left me dazed for a moment... Still, it feels good to work all those muscles for sea kayak paddling that haven't really fully been used for many months. The pool sessions are terrific for rescues, rolls and balance. But for a good forward stroke...nothing beats open water.
On a brighter, or should I say warmer note....Hadas and Tomer of Israel, are almost ready to head to Newfoundland for their go at circumnavigating the Island. Hadas wrote saying "Along with another million things we bought, i think we are almost ready to leave. actually we can leave yesterday but will wait until the 24th of May for our flight." Then she went on to say "...i will actually be in greece from the beginning of may until then with kayaking groups, yayyyyy. so going from hot to colddddd."...ok, she said it, not me. But I did do a forecast check for those two regions of the world...temperatures range today from 23C to 34C....

Hadas and Tomer are very experienced on waters all over the world...and from what I can gather from their letter, they have researched and asked questions of people from all over, as well as here in Newfoundland. To which they point out that they are very thankful for people's help so far. LENDAL had sent their paddles ages ago to a guy named Simon Jansen from Pure Adventures in Corner Brook as well Nigel Dennis from NDK has sent one NDK Explorer- yellow on white and one NDK Greenlander....new design of carbon black on black...awaiting them with Ed at Explore NFLD, in Corner Brook.
Good to see the kayaking community checking in on people's blogs and web pages from here... Hadas and Tomer both wrote "...we love checking out the pictures on your blog and cant wait to see it all live!!!!"
I'm sure this place won't disappoint them.
It should be noted that Derrick Mayoleth in the states has been posting and following along with their expedition closely.
Wishing a fabulous journey to both Hadas and Tomer. There is simply no place like Newfoundland!
I'll be keeping an eye on their journey. With a bit of luck perhaps I'll be able to paddle with them for a few days! Won't that be a treat?
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